The starting idea was a fermentative bait based on bread and yeast, ingredients which are dear to me and often used in the recipes presented in my books. This time, however, I would not have made the baits for two reasons, the first because I am tired of explaining that I have no gain or collaboration with companies and that when I mention a brand than another I do so only because I am asked by many users to have precise references where to find the components of the baits without having to supply from several companies.
The second is because I wanted to roll the bait with modern machinery such as auger and rolling machine as many fans using these dynamics and then I wanted to be able to compare with a widely used system.
Of course, there is nothing to stop this bait being made at home as usual.
So for this project I turned to my friend Matteo, a very skilled and competent snare-roller with the best quality for a technician: being able to listen to the customer's needs!
The basis of our work is two derivatives of brewer's yeast (saccharomyces cerevisae).
Brewer's yeast and extract.
These two ingredients alone had to cover at least 40% of the project, and we ended up with 50!
For the zootechnical product we opted for the Leiber on sale on Amazon in order to find the product quickly, while for the extract we relied on the carpfishing supplier usually used by Matteo.
Wheat germ, bread and gluten reinforce the fermented bread effect, which can be developed in many ways.
You can use micronised toast, which is the basic ingredient of many bird foods and all cyprinid baits, or you can choose from the many offerings for angling, including coloured breads, spiced breads, Belgian bread etc.
In the basic project with Matteo we used bread, which is an ingredient he normally has at his disposal, while for a homemade use I would like to suggest the Pain D'epices by Sensas, a spiced and caramelised flour of great interest.
To structure everything and complete the amino acid spectrum with nutrients, the usual WPC 80.
And so the basic mix is ready.
30% yeast and Leiber grain
20% yeast extract
20% toast (Belgian bread, Pain d'epices)
10% wheat germ
10% corn gluten
10% WPC 80
As far as dough management is concerned, we have chosen a Crazy method with the introduction of the liquids into the dry dough directly into the hopper of the mixer.
As far as the liquids are concerned, we remain in tune with the Total bait projects which have a non-synthetic chemistry for a spontaneous and natural attraction, in this case fermentation.
The main support liquid is distiller, a liquid cattle feed made from the spent yeast and fermented grains used to produce alcohol.
This product is not easy to find for the uninitiated, so the most practical alternative to use is malt extract syrup, which is used in breweries and also in home production of the drink, easily available from consortia and specialist retailers, including online.
At this point Matteo calibrated his technological production on the machine using 200 ml. of malt extract syrup, 100 ml. of glycol, 1/2 ml. of butyric acid (to be previously diluted in the glycol) and 3 eggs.
In this way he calibrated the bait to a certain solubility.
The process can be completed by omitting the glycol and then inserting 5-6 medium eggs per kg.
With just two tests we have calibrated the result which is truly spectacular.
An all round super bait with great potential with which to close this sequence of Total Boilies.
I leave you to the gallery with photos of the products used.
I thank Matteo for the collaboration and I congratulate for the professionalism and brilliance in the development of the project.
In my book Boilies you can find many more recipes with yeast.